What a week these two years have been

 So I guess this is it πŸ˜” my last pday and my last weekly email, if you've made it this far and have still read every word you're a real one! The last two years have flown by so fast and it's hard to believe that it's coming to a close, it honestly still doesn't feel real so Imma stay in denial for a little bit longer. Here's some final updates about the area and them a last testimony


Nicholas: he's awesome he came to church yesterday and he's talked to his mom and hopefully he'll have a date soon. Please keep praying for Nicholas!

Honestly he's the only one worth mentioning. Over the last few weeks slowly but surely pretty much everyone we were teaching has slowly either dropped us or ghosted us so that's cool.

Also just so you all know Elder Hirschi is going to be training so in the words of Elder Stevens I'm no longer a failing father and instead I'm a grandpa πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ I'm excited for Elder Hirschi and know he's going to do great. 


over the last two years I've come to know a few things the first of which is that Jesus Christ truly is our Savior and Redeemer and that only in and through him is true peace and joy found. He is the life and light of the world! It is only by and through Him we can come unto the Father. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that it really is a testimony of Jesus Christ. I know Joseph Smith was a prophet sent by God to raise up a warning voice to all the nations. I know that when he said he saw a pillar of light he was telling the truth. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives and brings light and joy into life. I am forever grateful for the amazing opportunity I've had to serve the Lord these last two years and know it has changed my life forever. 

That's all folks. I love you all! I'll see you all soon πŸ˜· also for anyone who wants to know I'll be speaking at sacrement this coming Sunday (July 30th) at 9 AM and anyone who wants to come is welcome. 

-Elder Roberts πŸ€ πŸ¦§πŸ¦


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