Miracle Muncie Baby!!

 Henlo everyone this week was pretty cool and Good I'd say. We had some pretty dope miracles met with most of our friends, planning on putting some people on date this next week...so like things are on the up and up over here! Here's some stuff


First Floor Last Door:
We went knocking right before a lesson at this one apartment complex that was really close to the lesson and holy smokes 😂 so we were knocking and kinda had a rough start but we knock on this one guys door, his name is Terry. We asked if he'd wanna hear a message and he was like "sure" so like usual we checked to see if we heard him right and then taught the restoration to him, gave him a Book of Mormon, asked if we could come back and he said yes. So were going back on Saturday! Please be praying for Terry!! 

Second Floor Last Door:
Well in the same building we went to the second floor and started knocking the doors there didn't have much success until the last door! This lady name Deliah came out and talked about how she grew up in church and wanted her son to start going to church so we talked to her a out church shared the restoration, gave her a Book of Mormon and invited her to church (she didn't come 😔) but we're going back on Saturday so that's dope! Please be praying for Deliah! 

Random Call At 9:30:
Well this was super random and had nothing to do with our efforts BUT still dope! On Friday I think 🤷‍♂️ we had kinda a more rough day but like as we were getting ready for bed we got a random call from another set of Elders in the Chicago mission and they were like "Hey we got a guy who wants to learn, basically gonna get baptised" so that was dope we haven't met with him yet but hopefully soon!! His name is Matt so please be praying for him too!!


Sub-artic Biking Baby!!: 
Well this week we've basically been biking everywhere because we're out of miles for this month 😂 so the beginning of the week was pretty dope it was nice and sunny and warm, and then it got real Cold and bad 😂 so we've been biking and freezing our tails off but it's awesome!! We had to bike in a snow storm which was dope, made it very hard to see with the snow blowing into your eyes, only got hit once no biggy (that's just a joke mom!) But seriously it was dope 😂


Marty is doing awesome, we're planning on putting him on date this week so please be praying for him and for us!!

Roberts doing good, he's been reading in D&C everyday and loves it which is awesome! We invited him to watch General Confrence this week so that'll be sick!

were also planning on putting Charles on date this week, he's got quite a few things he'll have to work on but please be praying for him!! And us!!

So this week's spiritual thought is kinda gonna be a blug for my Facebook stories 😂😝 but this week imma be posting a story everyday about Confrence so go look at those for some uplifting stuff!! My invitation this week is start preparing today (if you haven't already) for Confrence!! It's amazing what the Lord can do with just a little preparation! So start preparing!!

Anyways that's all for this week, love you all tons!! I'm cheering for you all! Keep fighting the Good fight!!

-Elder Roberts 😎🥸🤓


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