The Buc-ee Duckee 🦧 April 28, 2023

 Hello everyone it's been almost two weeks sense my last email and that's because we're going to the Temple today! ðŸ˜Ž so this could be a little bit of a longer email but here you go ðŸ¤‘


The Finding Grind:
The past two weeks have been filled with Finding and it's been legendary! We've found a lot of people and it's just been so awesome! So many people are saying yes and it's been supa dope!

The Buc-ee Duckee (pictures included):
This one is kinda nuts so buckle up. So it was kinda a tougher day and we were biking back home after a not so great tracting session and we stopped at a cross walk and I saw a little rubber ducky on the side of the road we were on and I said "wow, a rubber ducky" and Elder Stevens went and walked over to it and picked it up and well you guessed it, it was a rubber Buc-ee duckee it was crazy! To add to the craziness the nearest Buc-ee's is in Kentucky about 241 miles away. Also if you don't know what Buc-ee's is please go research it. 

Haitian Finding:
Ok so if you know Elder Stevens you'll know he just came from Lawrence which if you've been reading his past emails you know theirs a lot of Haitian people there, who speak Haitian creole. I kid you not there wasn't Haitian people in Fort Wayne until this week, its actually been crazy! We've found three Haitians who are intrested and it's been fun seeing Elder Stevens wip out the ol' Haitian Creole because he speaks that now


Eric and Sharon: They got baptised!!! They're doing awesome! Please keep them in your prayers!

David: He's doing well he came to church and is loving meeting and everything! 

In light of my recent experience with the Buc-ee duckee I wanted to share a Scripture from the Book of Ether.

"Behold, O Lord, thou canst do this. We know that thou art able to show forth great power, which looks small unto the understanding of men" (Ether 3:5).

This scripture is one of the great ones because it has helped to remind me to look for those small things, such as a small little rubber duck on the side of the road. Now to most a stupid little duck on the side of the road that had the Buc-ee's logo isn't gonna mean a whole lot but if you knew my dad you knew he loved Buc-ee's so it was just such a small little tender mercy that helped show the power of the Lord. So I want to invite you all to look for the small tender mercies! I promise as you do you will find them!! 

Ok that's all for this week, love you all! Keep up the good work and keep fighting the good fight!

-Elder Roberts 


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