That's right folks, only four days left till I enter the field and I couldn't be more pumped. I am gonna miss my freaking awesome district though, no cap. but there's actually a few stories from this week so buckle up folks this email might be the longest one yet, a whole two paragraphs. Kickball: On Friday we played kickball with another district who was in our residency building just across the hall from us and it was tons of fun, but we lost miserably by like fifteen points. But I still had tons of fun. After the game the Elders from the district we played with came to give us a box of donuts to say sorry for absolutely destroying you, and in the box there was a single, solitary "L" shaped donut, it was a very well done prank. District scripture share: Saturday we got together as a district and shared our favorite scriptures and everyone shared really awesome scriptures that definitely made me feel the spirit. I shared D&C 122 5-8 and even...
Hey everyone well it's only been three days but it feels like a lot has happened in just those three days, I met my district and comp and they're all really awesome people! My companion is Elder Kennedy and he is super chill. I can't wait to meet everyone in person though when I go to the Provo MTC this Wednesday, because right now it still feels kind of weird being at home even though I've been set apart as a missionary, I don't know quite how to explain it but it feels very surreal. Monday it felt like I was almost dreaming, because I've been anxiously waiting for this day to finally come for like a long time and now that it's here it feels so weird. I know God loves you all and that He can help us through any trials we're facing, he's helped me a lot adjusting to missionary life! I invite you all to read D&C 121: 7-8 because they are really awesome verses that have helped me a ton this week. Anyways love you all. -Elder Roberts
Well I guess there goes another week...crazy how fast time is flying. I left in August and now its almost Halloween... Anyways things are going well I'd say. We did a lot of service and had a few miracles that were pretty chill but all in all a pretty good week! Here's the miracles from the week: Mondays lesson: So that lesson with the guy who came up to us in the park (seth) went pretty well. He had a ton of questions that I had no idea how to even begin to answer but Edler Cook was just like oh this is easy and answered every question and we have another lesson with him tonight so that's dope! Hopefully it keeps going well and keep sending those prayers! Danville the place of many miracles: Ok so there were two pretty dope miracles that happened in Danville...First we were in a park (of course) and we were walking around and we saw this guy sitting on a bench, and let me tell you this man was the most yoked man I have ever seen. Like why would a man ever need t...
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