8 weeks and stuff 🤕🦧 May 29,2023

 Hello everybody! This week was good!! Me and Elder Hirschi are grinding and we've been seen some pretty good success! Here's some cool things

Alma 52:
We got a referral this week from a guy named Nicholas and we met with him Saturday! He had some pretty basic anti questions that we were able to clear up pretty lickity split. He also has been reading the Book of Mormon on his own and is in Alma 52!! Please pray for Nicholas!

He's doing awesome! Still working towards his date and all things are looking good! Please keep praying for him! 

Please also include Cayden in your prayers! He's another referral we got a little while back and he seems like he has some pretty good potential! 

That's kinda it for this week! Love you all! Keep fighting the good fight! ðŸ˜‡

-Elder Roberts 


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