2 years later...prophecy fulfilled April 17, 2023
Hello everyone! I'm sure you've all heard the rumors and yes they are true, me and Elder Stevens are companions here in the Fort. Its been a legendary two days so here it is
2 Years Later:
Ok so it's been almost exactly two years sense I opened my mission call and discovered me and Elder Stevens were going to the same place and now two years later we're companions! Super huge tender Mercy to (hopefully) end my mission with Elder Stevens!
The Find Grind:
Ok so me and Elder Stevens have been on that find grind and holy smokes literally every door we've knocked has said they are intrested....like every door. It's been crazy but super awesome so the find grind is real!!
Eric and Sharon: They're so dope! Their Baptism is this Sunday and we're super excited for them!! Please keep them in your prayers!
David: he's a legend, still coming to church and loving it! Keep him in your prayers as well please!
Watch this awesome video for today's spiritual thought
Where Justice, Love, and Mercy Meet
that's all folks! Love you all! Remember God loves you and to keep fighting that good fight!
-Elder Roberts 

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