Yo necesesito estudiar espanol mucho
Hey there, hi there, ho there I hope you guys are all doing well! This week was pretty busy it was good, we had a bunch of miracles and stuff so it has been pretty awesome! Lots of grinding and finding so here's the stuff:
Jittery as all get out:
So we were out tracting Finding pretty much no success
but we knocked on this one door and this guy answered and immediately invited us in and we start talking with him and his roommate and both seem pretty interested but both were like mad jittery like somethings up, so we're talking with them a bit and ask if right now would be a good time to hear a message and they're like "no, we're about to get high" so basically these two dudes were crazy jittery just wanting to get like supa high but they said we could come back so that's pretty cool 

Ashley and miracles:
So Angola is very itty bitty BUT in our area we also have a little place called Ashley which is even ittier and bittier like so small but we went down there because we have a whole lot of people that the previous missionaries had contacted and we actually found three people who were super interested and wanted to learn more! Which is so awesome!!
Exchange miracles!:
So I don't know what it is but when you go on exchanges you always have so many miracles! We went on exchanges with the Zone leaders which was awesome! They came up here to Angola and we blitzed the area and it was really dope! We did a whole lot of grinding like basically an all day grind to find! Apparently there's a really big Spanish community here because we found so many Spanish people who were down to listen to the message so that was awesome, I'm gonna need to learn some Spanish apparently 

Zone Confrere:
I had zone conference this week which was super awesome! I love Zone conference a whole bunch! We did some pretty typical zone conference stuff, so lots of trainings and stuff of how to be a better missionary so it was really good! This is one of President Pages last though which is pretty sad
crazy that imma get a new president in the beginning of July, time is flying by so fast!! 

On Date:
Super cool story actually so on Area Book you can follow peoples teaching records and well I was in Muncie I found a lady named Heather who was super interested and so I followed her before I left so i could see how her progress went and the other day I looked at the people I was following and Heather was on date to be baptized!!!!!
which was so awesome to see! Please be praying for Heather!

She's doing well we weren't able to meet with her this past week but hopefully this week we'll meet with her and get her to come to church as well! Please be praying for her!
This week's spiritual thought comes from Elder Bednars talk "But We Heeded Them Not." This is an amazing talk and you should defiantly go read/listen to it again! But something I loved was in Zone Conference we talked about a Scripture in Alma 32 which says: "Now, we will compare the word unto a seed. Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your hear" (verse 28). Now from Elder Bednars talk we learn the one of the names of Jesus Christ is The Word, so Alma is inviting us to plant Jesus Christ in our heats! And the promised blessing when we do: "Then, my brethren, ye shall reap the rewards of your faith, and your diligence, and patience, and long-suffering, waiting for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you" (verse 43). I invite you all this week to find some way to "plant" Jesus Christ in your heart this week, and I can promise as you do you will feel the joy and peace that comes from it. Jesus Christ really is our Savior and He really does love each and everyone of us!!
All in all it was a good week here in Angola! Lots of grinding! Thanks for all the prayers! Love you all tons and remember to keep fighting the good fight!
- Elder Roberts
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