OWCA- April 11,2022
Henlo everyone! I hope you're all doing well, this week was pretty good! Kinda slow at the beginning and then it kinda picked up towards the end. All in all a good week! Thanks for all the prayers and stuff! Here's the stuff, thanks for reading!
With a Little Faith and Perseverance:
We went to go visit Terry (someone we found a few weeks back) and he was like "you know what, I don't wanna do this anymore" and gave us the Book of Mormon back and kinda just shut the door on us so that was kinda discouraging
so we were like welp we got an hour before that next lesson so we started knocking and had no luck 
so we went to that lesson and it went pretty good
we then did some more knocking and woulda believe that that second time around we actually had some pretty good success! We knocked on this one lady's door and she was just like "yes I wanna hear" so we shared the Restoration with her and she was like "yes I will read from the Book of Mormon, and yes you can come back" so it was super duper awesome!!

With a Little Faith and Perseverance Pt 2:
Well as most good things this miracle comes in a package! So we went and knocked some more doors, didn't really have much luck
but then we knocked on this one lady's door named Heather and she was so down to listen! So we taught the Restoration and it was a super good lesson!! She was so excited to read the Book of Mormon and to have us come back so I'm super excited about her! Please keep her in your prayers!!

Subway Eating Fresh and Some Miracles:
Ok this isn't a paid promotion but subways pretty good (Spankys is better though!) But anyways we decided to go to Subway for dinner and we start ordering and this one guy walks in and very much not like myself I start talking to this dude.....
.....ummmmm so that's kinda a miracle in of itself
but this guy also wasn't super down to meet but he took a pass along card and said he'd give us a call maybe. So that's cool

My only real story and it's not really a story but it's something
but I've become quite the chef while I've been out, I've been making some pretty good stuff and it's pretty dope! But yeah that's honestly it............

Marty is doing pretty good he's getting surgery this week so we won't be able to meet with him for a little bit, but we invited him to pray about baptism and he just straight up said no, so yeah that was funny 

He's doing good hopefully we'll meet with him this week and potentially put him on date
he's super awesome and loves the Scriptures!! Apparently he's born his testimony in sacrament meeting so that's cool!

Ok this updates a sad one because we're actually kinda worried about Charles, appatently a few weeks ago a ambulance rolled up to his house and his neighbors haven't seen him sense...so please please please PRAY FOR CHARLES!!! we actually kinda worried about him!!
Well this one is from this past General Confrence and it came from President Nelson and its the fifth step he gave us to increase our spiritual momentum, which was to end conflicts in our personal lives! He then invited us to end a personal conflict we have by Easter, so if you haven't done that....you still have time!! Get on it!! I promise that Joy will come into your life as you do!!
Well that's all for this week! God be with you till we meet again!! Love you! Im cheering for you! Keep fighting the good fight!!
-Elder Roberts
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