I can't think of anything clever so this is what you get May 9, 2022
Well this week was good! Pretty slow but good
me and Elder Brimhall are seriously grinding like nobodies buisness and its awesome! We saw some pretty cool miracles and stuff so here's that:
What're the odds:
Well we went to visit this one inactive lady who lives in an apartment complex which is government housing and this place actually kinda looks a little like Azkaban, I was honestly shocked when we entered we weren't greeted by a demontor
, anyways we found this lady's door and we knocked twice and no one answered. So we knocked her neighbors to see if they knew her and they didn't, so we thought we'd lost
but on are way out we saw this older lady named Georgia sitting outside and we asked if she'd want a picture of Jesus Christ and she was like "sure" so we started talking with her a bit and she seemed mildly interested and then she mentioned how her neighbor met with missionaries for a while....you'll never guess who her neighbor was...it was the lady we had come looking for. So apparently Kira (that's the lady's name) doesn't live there anymore but she lives somewhere else in our area. It was really awesome running into this lady and potentially finding someone to teach but also figure out more about Kira.

Fourth floor last door:
We went tracting a little bit and knocked almost an entire building and not only was no one interested but literally not a single person answered their door, so we were starting to get a little discouraged
but as always with a little bit of perseverance we kept going and knocked on this one door and this guy named Ben answered and actually was pretty interested and we taught him a bit about the restoration, and he said we could come back so please keep him in your prayers!

Roxann: She's doing super awesome we've been meeting with her and she really loves everything we talk with her about. She wants to be baptised but just wants to make sure she's actually ready for it, which is honestly awesome! Please keep Roxann in your prayers!
This week I want to share a quote from Winston Churchill, “To every man there comes … that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a special thing unique to him and fitted to his talent. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour.” I love this quote so much because truly all of us will have these special moments in our lives and we need to be prepared for them, so that's my invitation this week, I invite you all to make the necessary preparations to prepare for your work that will be your finest hour!
That's all for this week! I love you all and hope you're all doing good! I'd love to hear from you guys! Remember keep fighting the good fight!
-Elder Roberts
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