Crazy gun guy, wolves, and a whole lot of road kill-- Apr 25, 2022
Well this week was slow but good! Me and Elder Brimhall are vibing and grinding just doing missionary stuff. We literally have like no one's phone numbers so we're doing a lot of door knocking and getting a whole lot of no answering it's awesome we did have some pretty cool experiences and funny stories though. The ward members here are pretty cool too. Honestly Angola is a pretty sick little town! Apparently with the summer coming though we should start expecting what the locals call "Lake people" or "the lakers" so hopefully some stories to come about them
No hablo Espaรฑol pero todavรญa tenรญamos una lecciรณn:
Well we were out knocking and grinding when we saw these Spanish folk playing some futbol and we were like "henlo" and they were like "we don't speak English" so we were like "welp darn" but one of the ladies pulls out her phone which has this super nifty translator app which is sick and so long story short we got their phone number and address and now just needa find someone who speaks Spanish who can translate for us! Please be praying for Steven!
Waking People Up From Their Nap:
We were doing a little knocking and grinding as one does, and we knocked on this one ladies door asked if she'd be interested and stuff and she was like "welp I just woke up from a nap but you could come back later" so we got her number and set up a time to go back so pretty sick! Her name is Bolu and she's from Nigeria! Please keep her in your prayers!
Crazy Gun Guy:
We went and visited our ward mission leader on Sunday and this guy is crazy dude
he has like one million guns and like stuff you've never even heard of like I promise you've never heard of some of these things. But they're sick! He's kinda nuts though. We spent a pretty long time there and he was just showing us his collection and it was pretty cool 

Okay so not exactly what you're thinking but still pretty sick, after our visit with Brother Alwood (crazy gum guy) we left and were getting ready to bike home when the biggest dog I've ever seen walks up to us. I'm not joking when I say when I first saw it I literally thought me and Elder Brimhall were about to die brother Alwood kinda lives in the middle of no where so like I actually kinda thought it was a wolf at first but luckily it was actually someone's pet. We think it could been half wolf was big

We met with Roxann who is our most progressing friend and she's super awesome! Just please keep her in your prayers!
This week's spiritual thought comes from President Nelson when he invited us both seek and expect miracles! I love that so much because part of faith is getting up and actually expecting what you've asked for, now sometimes were not gonna get what we want but I've noticed time and time again when I decide that I'm gonna see a miracle I do. So go seek and expect miracles!! I promise as you do you will begin to find them in your life!!
That's all for this week! Love you all! Keep fighting the good fight!
-Elder Roberts
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