Two months, one transfer, four stitches and a shattered figure later... Nov 1, 2021

 Ok this week has been really awesome! Elder Cook and my zone had what's called the Zone Game, which is just basically a competition between all the missionaries in the Zone to see who can do the most work. It was tons of fun! And me and Elder Cook got some good work done. But here's the main points of the Week:

Seth update:
Well so on Monday we had planned on meeting with him again but that day he sent us a message saying "I don't want to be a Mormon" and then popped off with a ton of Scriptures trying to prove why were wrong. So that was dope...but actually its ok we planted seeds I think at least.

Spencer update:
Spencer is doing awesome! We've had a comple lessons with him and he's just such an awesome guy! We have another lesson with him on Wednesday and I'm pretty excited! He's so awesome and I really do think he's ready we just gotta help him see that he is. Please keep Spencer in your prayers!

Donna update:
Ok so Donna is the lady who came to church after some of the members invited her, and we had a lesson with her on Friday and she is the sweetest old lady ever. Originally we just thought it was gonna be her that we would be teaching but her husband John came along as well which was awesome. He even said he planned on coming to church, which apparently the week before he was saying "Heck no I ain't going to church" so like that was a pretty big miracle that he changed his mind and decided to go to church. They weren't there yesterday but hopefully this Sunday we'll see them.

Serving with the Parks and Rec department:
On Tuesday and Wednesday me and Elder Cook had the opportunity to serve with the parks and rec department here in Avon indiana which was awesome! We help them build a artificial ice rink. They were al really curious about what we did as missionaries and stuff and so we got to answer alot of their questions which was awesome and a super huge miracle!

Miracles in the immediate care: 
Saturday we had a ward trunk or treat that me and Elder Cook went to and it was tons of fun, but I dropped the bike rack on my pinky and it started to bleed pretty bad and after the ward trunk or treat me and Elder Cook decided to go to the immediate care that was right next to us. We thought maybe I'd just need to get stitches but nah I completely shattered my pinky, the lady who was helping us said "if it had been any worse I would have needed to go to the ER and get surgery" So big miracle and blessing that I didn't need to do that. While at the immediate care me and Elder Cook decided not to waste any time and handed out three pass along cards and invited a ton of people to church which was awesome! And no I only cried over the two hours we were in the hospital rather then actually out finding people.

Scriptures of the Week:
Mormon 5:23 were in God's hands! 

That's all for this week, lots of miracles were seen and lots of good stuff! Remember I love you all and I'm cheering you all on! You've got this!

-Elder Roberts


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