Trio for three days and your regularly scheduled miracle in the park Nov 8, 2021

 Well this week was a good week, it was very slow but good nonetheless. There were a couple miracles and some good stories so here they are...

Last P-day:
We had district p day last pday and it was so awesome! We went to downtown Indy and went and visited the memorial there (it's like the only thing that's even remotely famous about Indiana) but it was super awesome! I even handed out a pass along card which was pretty dope!

"What are yall doing over there?!?":
On Tuesday we were once again doing our studies in the can probably guess where this is going....but we saw this lady walking her dog and I yelled "hey how's it going?" You know like missionaries do and she was like "good! What're you guys doing over there?", Elder Cook was like "studying Scriptures! Wanna join!" And in response she says "I KNEW THATS WHAT YOU WERE DOING!! Let me finish my walk and I'll be right back!" being missionaries we assumed finishing her walk ment walking home and never talking with us again but this lady actually came back!!!! Ok so I mean that alone was quite a miracle but hold on it gets crazier. So at the beginning of last transfer we had called this lady, named Genora, that the sisters before us had talked to. When we called she basically said no thanks not interested. Well believe it or not guess who this lady who came back was freaking GENORA!! Well we talked to her for a while and then just kinda out of no where she was like "I wanna come to your church, what's the address?" ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ my brain actually turned off...this never happens. Anyways she didn't actually end up coming ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ˜‚ but she does seem interested at least so hopefully next week I'll have a Genora update.

Elder Prosser a pretty dope missionary:
We had a Elder stay with us for a couple days while he waited to fly out for Brazil (his original assignment). He was super awesome and we got some pretty dang good work done well he was here. We picked him up on Tuesday and dropped him off at the airport on Thursday, so we were in a trio for that time which was pretty fun. Trios are kinda dope not gonna lie. But yeah not much else to report on that ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคท‍♂️

Spencer update: 
Spencer is doing good! We invited him to come to church and he said he'd think about it, he didn't come. But that was ok, we'll keep working with him. He's super awesome though! Just keep praying for him!! 

Scripture of the Week:
D&C 24:8
"Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days."

Well that's all for this week but it was a really good week! Remember I love you all and am cheering you guys on!! Sorry it was a wee bit long but oh well, I would be shocked if anyone even reads to this point cause I probably wouldn't but if you did I applaud you! ๐Ÿ˜‚

-Elder Roberts 


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