Time is freaky here Oct 25, 2021
Well I guess there goes another week...crazy how fast time is flying. I left in August and now its almost Halloween... Anyways things are going well I'd say. We did a lot of service and had a few miracles that were pretty chill but all in all a pretty good week! Here's the miracles from the week:
Mondays lesson:
So that lesson with the guy who came up to us in the park (seth) went pretty well. He had a ton of questions that I had no idea how to even begin to answer but Edler Cook was just like oh this is easy and answered every question and we have another lesson with him tonight so that's dope! Hopefully it keeps going well and keep sending those prayers!
Danville the place of many miracles:
Ok so there were two pretty dope miracles that happened in Danville...First we were in a park (of course) and we were walking around and we saw this guy sitting on a bench, and let me tell you this man was the most yoked man I have ever seen. Like why would a man ever need to be that yoked. Anyways that's unimportant but it was worth noting
anyways so we started talking with him and he was so chill and super nice, we kinda just talked about what we did as missionaries and stuff. We talked about Christ a lot and faith and by the end he gave us his number and we said we'd keep in touch so it was dope!

Second danville mirracle came from just walking around while knocking doors. We'd knocked quite a few doors got quite a few "not interested leave me alone" you know how it goes. So we were starting to head back to the car when we started to talk to this one dude and we started talking about prophets and just stuff we believe and he seemed pretty decently interested and anyways we got his Facebook so we could message him and it was chill.
Spencer update:
ok so if you remember from last week the miracle of finding that guy while tracting, well here's the update...we had a lesson with him on Friday and it went super well, he has a very dismal view of the world so that's his biggest need is just to have a lot of light helping him see the good in the world. He's a super nice guy! And super funny! And he's always super excited to see us, he's been being taught since 2005 but the past two years he hasn't seen a missionary, and the day we knocked on his door he had apparently been talking about us the day before. So remember the Lord is in the details!!
Miracles from the deaf:
A few weeks ago a ward member had given us a referral for a lady he had talked to at his hearing aid place, and we finally got around to talking with her. She's one of the nicest ladies I've ever met! We talked a lot about Christ and how he supports us through our trails. She was super nice and we talked with her for like an hour or so and it was just so awesome!
Just checking in:
So about five weeks ago me and Elder Cook had tracted into this lady named shaundell and she was super nice! And this week we went and checked in on her and we talked with her again about christ and just some principles. Again this lady is probably one of the nicest people I've ever met! Anyways we talked with her and she was super awesome, she was surprised we remembered her name but trust me when someone is nice to you, you remember their name! But anyways she said she'd love if we came back again and so it was awesome!
Scriptures of the Week:
1 Nephi 4:1 the Lord is mightier then all things
Enos 1:12 the Lord blesses us for our righteous desires
Ok this email is pretty dang long so don't blame you if you didn't read it all but it you did I applaud you! But seriously been a great week! But seriously time is so freaky it feels like I just started but I'm already almost done with my first transfer...what the heck. Time is built different out here! But its all going well! Thanks for all the prayers! Remember that heaven and I are cheering you on! Keep moving forward! Love you all!
-Elder Roberts
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