The Exchange That Changed Everything Dec 6, 2021
Ok this week was freaking amazing! I apologies in advance because this is going to be a long one because me and Elder Cook had some pretty awesome miracles!
The Exchange of All Exchanges:
Ok on Wednesday me and Elder Cook had exchanges with the ZLs, for those who don't know an exchange is just what it sounds basically swap companions for a day, anyways this exchange was so awesome! I went with Elder Kynaston to Avon 2 and it was awesome!! We also had like a couple lessons and it was awesome! We talked about the restoration like one million times it was crazy! We talked with alot of people and found five new people who were interested in meeting with us again so that was awesome!! And over here in Avon 1 Elder Cook and Elder Black found four new people! Me and Elder Cook have been averaging like 1 or 2 people a week, so four in a day is so awesome!!
So Many miracles at the park:
On Thursday we went to Ellis park and holy moly....we talked with this one lady and she wasn't very I trested at first but she started talking with us and such and then she started seeming at least a little more interested and then we set up a time to call her and share the restoration! So that was crazy but get this after that we started walking and we waved at this guy in his car not really thinking about it but this dude got out of his car and chased us down and we started talking with him and he seemed really interested in what we talked with him about, he was very none committal about a time he'd want to talk again but he gave us his number and said to reach out, so that's now basically two new people, already more people then we normally find in a day but wait there's more as we were leaving the park we talked with this fella named Adam and we also set up a time to meet with him again...but the address he gave us was wrong 

Jesus Pictures:
This one's also on Thursday but one of the other Elders in our mission had put up an add for "Free Jesus Pics" and a fellow in our area said he wanted them so the Elder reached out to us and told us the situation. So on Thursday we Messaged this man and asked if we could come drop off the pictures and he said "yeah" so thats what we did. This man is so freaking awesome!! We talked a lot with him about christ and this man was a heavy alcoholic at one point but hasn't drunk even an ounce of alcohol for fourteen years! Which is so awesome so we talked about how Christ helped him through that and he just started talking about how much he loves Christ and it was awesome!! We then set up a time to meet with him again!
Susan Update:
Don't know if I've told you guys much about Susan but she's a beast! She's the mother of one of the members in the ward, and she's been reading in the Book of Mormon and we met with them on Friday and she had some questions and we were able to answer those, and then we invited her to keep reading and she said she was really excited to keep reading so that was super duper awesome! She's just a total beast!
"Oh I'm not a member":
A few days ago our Bishop asked us if we could go check in with a lady who had moved into our area from Utah, her name was Mildred, and it sounded like she went searching for the church and went to another ward but asked the Bishop of that ward to send missionaries! So everyone kinda just assumed she must be a member but on Saturday we went over to her house and talked with her and mentioned moving her records over to our ward and she was like "oh, I'm not a member" but her ex husband was a member but there was a lot of bad things that happened so she moved here to Indiana and so now we're gonna meet with her every Saturday and she plans on coming to church! She came on Sunday so it was awesome!
Door Knocing Miracle:
After our lesson with the Mildred on Saturday we went and knocked a few doors in her area we met a fellow named Rick who was gonna close the door on us and not be interested but we got him talking and then by the end of the conversation we asked if we could come back and share our unique message and this dude says "yeah sure, I'll entertain the idea" so thats pretty cool! We're gonna go meet with him again on Saturday!
Online Referall Miracle:
On Sunday we got a referall from a guy named Robert who had actually referred himself earlier earlier week and we had texted him and he never responded, so when we got the second referall from him we decided let's call the man. He didn't answer the first time so we called again...and he picked up!! We started talking with him and he said he was going through a pretty rough time and that he had met with missionaries before and that he kinda just instinctualy decided to refer himself and so he said he'd love to meet with us, and we set up a time for Wednesday!
Scripture of the Week:
Ether 12:18- "And neither at any time hath any wrought miracles until after their faith; wherefore they first believed in the Son of God."
Ok so this week stands as a testament of this fact, me and Elder Cook have seen so many miracles this week because we had the faith. This whole transfer we've kinda been struggling to find people and just kinda had very little faith that we would but after the exchange and our faith during that we were able to find the faith to find TEN people this week, that's more new people then the whole rest of the transfer combined! Faith truly proceeds the miracle!
Anyways I love you all a ton! Im praying for you all and I'm cheering you on! Thanks so much for all the prayers!! This week was amazing! Sorry it was so long!
-Elder Roberts
| Mon, Dec 6, 10:22 AM | ![]() ![]() | ||
Dearest Sam
We had a good week here
Dad got a job at the University of Utah in the science department. He will be working as a maintenance electrician over 17 buildings. I think he starts tomorrow
We went and saw Paul and Sarah and they are doing well. We ate at Fogodechow a place they took you when you went there for your birthday
We are going to try and decorate for Christmas today were a little behind but because of all the trips we’ve been a little busy I’m exhausted from playing yesterday they put us in the air for an hour early and we had to wait for the plane to arrive. It was longgggg!!
We were able to get your fun things from Buckys so I think you will like that
Need some direction on what you would like us to do about Christmas
Scotts Mom reached out and she is bringing some things she would like me to put in your gift so you will have something from Scott
Mazzies Mom also asked for your address so I assume you will get something from her
Baby Mary is due in January and is growing
Addie is so fun her birthday is this week
Love you so much Sam I am enjoying your light the world posts each day love mom
We had a good week here
Dad got a job at the University of Utah in the science department. He will be working as a maintenance electrician over 17 buildings. I think he starts tomorrow
We went and saw Paul and Sarah and they are doing well. We ate at Fogodechow a place they took you when you went there for your birthday
We are going to try and decorate for Christmas today were a little behind but because of all the trips we’ve been a little busy I’m exhausted from playing yesterday they put us in the air for an hour early and we had to wait for the plane to arrive. It was longgggg!!
We were able to get your fun things from Buckys so I think you will like that
Need some direction on what you would like us to do about Christmas
Scotts Mom reached out and she is bringing some things she would like me to put in your gift so you will have something from Scott
Mazzies Mom also asked for your address so I assume you will get something from her
Baby Mary is due in January and is growing
Addie is so fun her birthday is this week
Love you so much Sam I am enjoying your light the world posts each day love mom
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