Thanksgiving and coming with haste Nov 29, 2021

 Well this week was good, a wee bit slow but its chill πŸ˜‚ we had a few good stories and miracles so I'll just cut to the chase and get to those, here they are:

miracle in the park...:
Ok so despite the cold me and Elder Cook decided just to do our studies at the park and we met this guy named Will and shot some hoops with him for a minute or two and talked with him about faith and Christ and stuff, he wasn't really interested in what we had to say but he talked to us at least so that's kinda cool! πŸ˜Ž

The weirdest Bible bash of all time:
On Wednesday we went and visited this lady name Kimberly who we had talked to before and holy moly was this a wonky time. We went over and started talking with her and her mom and Kimberly kept saying yeah I agree with you guys and then her mom would be like no Kimberly you don't because .... (fill in the blank) and then Kimberly would be like wait no way you believe that and we'd be like yeah we do actually and she'd be like what the heck no way is that real but like I still agree with you guys...this went on for about an hour and then we started talking with Kimberly's daughter who is agnostic and well that didn't go well because we'd try and be like God is real and then her mom would be like yeah he is and then Kimberly and her daughter would start to argue and we'd be like uh oh and this happened for a long time as well. All in all just weird...πŸ˜‚

Thanksgiving was pretty awesome we started the day off by going and playing some two hand touch football with some ward members which was tons of fun, me and Elder Cook wore are prosies and got super dirty though πŸ˜‚ it was awesome! We also served at a food pantry for about four hours which was good, we handed out food to people for Thanksgiving and it was really awesome! And then we got special permission and got to eat with our Bishop which was also good! Got to call home which was chill as well. All in all a pretty good Thanksgiving.

On Saturday we went and visited someone in are apartment complex that we had helped move a couch before and she was super happy to see us actually. Her sister has recently lost her son which has been really hard but we were able to talk with Karina about kinda what happens after we die and it really seemed to help her a lot and it was really awesome! She invited us to come over again this Saturday so that's pretty awesome!

Facebook Finding grind: 
On Saturday night we spent about three hours doing Facebook Finding, which for those who don't know, Facebook Finding is basically us just friending random dudes and then when they accept we send them a message and try and set up a lesson with them. Well me and Elder Cook spent about three hours doing this and friended 130 people so that was pretty crazy πŸ˜‚ I friended about 85 people....

Spencer Update: 
Ok so we haven't met with Spencer for about two weeks which is really disheartening but hopefully we'll meet with him this week at some point! Please keep him in your prayers!!

Scripture of the Week:
Luke 2:16-"And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger."

I love this verse so much because it explains how the shepards came with haste after they were told that Christ was being born and I think it's just really awesome imagery to think of these shepards dropping everything and going to see Christ, it's made me think how I can more fully come unto Christ with haste and its just a really awesome verse!

Anyways really slow but good week this week! Remember I love you all and am cheering you all on! You got this!

-Elder Roberts


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