It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas Nov 15, 2021

 This week has been really awesome! Me and Elder Cook have been grinding and have seen some pretty legendary miracles! It's also starting to get quite cold here in snowed yesterday which sucked.....but that being said you're regularly scheduled miracle in the park may not be so regularly scheduled πŸ˜¬πŸ˜­. Ummm...anyways here's the miracles and a few stories from this week

On Tuesday we went on exchanges which was dope. I went with Elder Miravete to his area....which is a Spanish area πŸ˜¬πŸ€£ needless to say I don't speak Spanish. We went to a couple lessons and I kinda just sat there and nodded my head...I didn't contribute anything πŸ˜‚ but it was still really good! Elder Miravete is a absolute legend! 

Zone Confrence:
on Wednesday we had zone confrence which was awesome! The spirit was crazy...I'm finally beginning to understand the hymn "the Spirit of God" because holy moly it was defiantly burning. We talked a lot about faith and how it proceeds the miracle and that was a really good thing to remember cause often I have very little faith when me and Elder Cook go try and find people...I just don't actually expect people to wanna hear what we have to say, but trust me there are definitely people out here who willing and ready to hear the gospel! Just gotta have faith!

Spencer update:
Ok so on Friday we went and visited Spencer because it had been about a week sense we lasted went over, he's doing really well! We brought member who had been to a couple of spencers previous lessons, and Spencer was super happy to see him. They talked for a minute, and then Spencer promised that he'd be at church! It was stake conference this week though so he promised to come the next week! So keep Spencer in your prayers!!

Some pretty dang amazing members:
Ok so there's these members in our ward who are so amazing! They've helped us so much! They brought one lady to church, they've been talking to there parents about the gospel and they are interested and have been reading the BoM so a lot of amazing member work from these two! So if yall will keep Donna, John, Susan, and Pat in your prayers! (the four people the members have been working with). 

A mighty miracle from Cold Calls:
So if you don't know a cold call is basically knocking but on the kinda just start calling random numbers with the correct area code so that it'll be in your area but you literally just call random numbers so it's pretty fun. We've done it a few times with little success and this time was no different we were doing are cold call thing having very regular responses of no answer or someone answering we introduce ourselves and they promptly hangup πŸ˜‚ well we called this one guy (James was his name) and I asked wanna hear message about Jesus Christ and this man goes "yes, I'd love too!" And I am not joking when I say my brain turned off...I suddenly didn't know what message to even share I suddenly had just forgotten everything so I struggled through it and talked about how christ can carry us and stuff and we asked if we could call again the next day and he said we could so we did and it went well again! We plan on calling him again tonight!

Two cold call mircales for the price of one:
Ok so like that first mircale wasn't crazy enough we had another one that same night during the same sitting of Cold Calls. I called this one number introduced myself and asked you wanna hear a bible verse? This lady then also said yes! I need you to understand that no one says yes to that! So it was like a crazy mircacle! But anyways I shared Isaiah 41:13, which is a really good one I'd highly recommend reading it but anyways...she's said she loved it and I asked if I could share another one the next night and she said yes...😐🀯 so we called her Sunday night and shared Amos 3:7 which is about the importance of prophets and so obviously I then shared how we have a prophet on the earth today and she seemed to be like yeah sure why not. So we plan on calling her again on Tuesday, gonna probs share Resto maybe, but we'll see what the spirit says.

Scripture of the Week: 
Ether 3:5- "Behold, O Lord, thou canst do this. We know that thou art able to show forth great power, which looks small unto the understanding of men." 
By small and simple things are great things brought to pass...but in the same way by great things are small and simple things brought to pass

Anyways that's all for this week! It was a great week with many mighty miracles and many small and simple miracles! God truly is still a God of Mircales! Anyways I love you all and I'm cheering you all on! Keep climbing that mountain! I'm praying for you all! 

-Elder Roberts


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