15 weeks, 2 transfers, and one tornado warning later... Dec 13, 2021
Well with this transfer coming to a close it also means my training is coming to a close...how do I feel about that? Pretty good, kinda nervous but it's chill we got our transfer news this past Saturday and me and Elder Cook are staying together here in Avon for another transfer
anyways lots of good miracles this week so here they are:
Every Time a Bell Rings:
Last Monday after I'd set out my weekly email me and Elder Cook went to the store to do some p day shopping as you do when you're a missionary, but there was this dude outside ringing this bell and greeting people. Well we were walking in he shouted "Gentlemen" so we turned around and he was like "God is good!" And we were like "Heck yeah he is!" So we went in and started our shopping and we finished and on our way to our car we stopped and talked with this dude and he's actually related to a member and he said he really loved the church actually and we asked if we could talk to him some more about it and stuff and he was like "fo sho" and that was pretty awesome! Very exciting! Prayers for Jonni!
Knocking and ReJoyceing:
On Tuesday we went to do some knocking which was chill no one seemed to be home honestly...but we started to go back to our car and this elderly lady came walking out and of course we talked with her. Elder Cook sang her a song called "the Inn keeper" and she started to cry during it and the spirit was just super strong it was awesome. We then talked with her and she's gone through a lot of trials and we asked if we could come back and talk some more with her and explain how the gospel can help her through her trials and she said we could! So prayers for Joyce!
Getting in the Door:
On Thursday we went knocking some doors and we've been offering to sing people songs and this knocking session we only had one person be willing to listen to our song so we sang to him and talked with him for a minute or so and then he was just like "you know what...I wanna show you something, come in" so we went into his house (note Elder Cook has been our for about a year now and he said that he's never had someone actually just let him in on the first contact on a doorstep so it was pretty amazing he let us in) anyways we then sat down and started talking talking him for a while and stuff and it was just really awesome, as we left he said "you know I normally don't talk to you guys" so it was just all around a awesome experience!
No Park Miracle But Library Miracle:
Well its starting to get really cold....like really cold...and if you've ever lived in a humid place it's not the cold that really does you in its that darn humidity. It sinks right to your bones....needless to say very cold. So we've been doing our studies at the library instead and we've been going for a little bit, and we've always seen this lady there also studying for school and well we finally talked with her and she was really curious about what we were doing and we basically talked to her about the restoration and it was super awesome! We even gave her a Book of Mormon and we got her number so very cool stuff at the library!
Scripture of the Week:
Luke 2:10-12
"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people....For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord....And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger."
I love these verses so much because its really important to remember why we celebrate Christmas. The most amazing gift any of us could ever receive came in a little manger in Bethlehem! Remember to share that gift and that light as you celebrate this Christmas season!
Well that's all for this week! Oh and about the tornado warning well if you didn't know there were some tornados in the states surrounding Indiana and some of them got decently close but none actually hit here so were chilling! Thanks so much for all the support and prayers! Love you all tons and I'm cheering you all on! Keep lighting the world!!
-Elder Roberts
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