What a year this week has been
Okee dokee I guess that's another week down, it's crazy I've been out already for a whole month and a half it's pretty crazy! But things out going well here in Indiana a few exciting things happened so I'll just get right to it
We had exchanges on Tuesday which was pretty awesome, I went with Elder Miravete to his area and we did some work there. We started off with some service at a food pantry which was really good we helped sort some food and bring in a load and such so pretty good stuff. We then did some Facebook Finding which was good, not much else to say about that
. We then went tracting and not many people were interested but one guy kind of bashed with us maybe kind of but I kind of was just like "bruv I'll be honest with you I can't claim to know everything that is contained in the bible or what not, but what I do know is this the message that we bring people as missionaries is true and changes peoples lives" and this seemed to soften his heart because by the end he asked for our number and the address for the church building and gave us his number so that was a pretty cool experience!

Zone Conference:
On Wednesday we had zone conference which was super good! We did some trainings and such. At the end we had the departing missionaries bare their testimonies and it was super powerful and awesome to hear all these missionaries testimonies. It was quite awesome.
First none member lesson:
We had our first lesson with a none member which was so awesome! It went pretty well we talked about some plan of salvation stuff which was good. She seemed to understand and at least be willing to believe, we have another lesson with her tonight so hopefully that goes well. Lots of prayers!
Second non-member lesson:
We were kind of on a role this week I guess...because we had two lessons this week which is awesome! The other guy we had a lesson with, we taught the restoration and it went well he seemed to understand and he said he'd pray about it and try and see if what we had taught was true so we'll see how that goes too!
Another miracle at the park:
Ok so I guess maybe parks our like special or something because lots of things seem to happen here but we met this girl who had been coming to the same park we had done our studies at a ton, and we'd seen her a ton and said hello a ton and we finally talked to her and actually got to know her a little bit. She seemed very interested in what we were doing, and she seemed very impressed that we would go out and talk about Jesus Christ with kind of just who ever and it was a really good conversation.
Scriptures of the Week:
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