One month in the field 🤯

 Ok well I've been out in the field for almost a whole month and been a missionary for almost two months, ummm what....I'm not really sure how I got to this point or how it's gone by so fast but it has, so here I am. This past month has been very awesome! Its been a pretty crazy roller coaster with lots of ups and lots of downs but this week definitely saw a lot of ups! Not really sure how last week turned into this week cause last week was pretty rough but we keep pushing. Anyways here's some of the stories and some miracles that me and Elder Cook saw this week, prepare yourself cause some of them are pretty crazy.

Specialized Training:
On Wednesday we had specialized training, which is basically just a special little conference type thing just for all the greenies and their trainers. It was so awesome and the spirit was very strong throughout the whole meeting but one thing that hit me so hard especially because me and Elder Cook had been having a pretty rough week, but it was a talk by Elder Holland about why missionary work is so hard and he basically just talks about the pains and troubles the savior had to go through and that when missionaries go through hard times they should walk tall because they are standing with some of the best blood the world had to offer. That hit me so hard and I think kind of turned the whole week around for me to be honest.

The celestial doughnut:
Ok I know that title sounds strange but listen to me, I ain't even cappin. On Thursday me and Elder Cook went to this place that's only really in Indiana called rise'n roll its basically an Amish bakery of sorts. They have these doughnuts that people call "Amish Crack" and I'm not lying when I say this is the best doughnut you could ever have. I took a bite and began to weep...ok not actually but you get the point ðŸ˜‚

Bishops Storehouse:
We got to serve at the Bishop storehouse which was pretty sick I'd say. It's absolutely massive! Like it's crazy how big this storehouse is. But yeah not much to say other then we served there and it was nice.

"Are you guys Mormons":
Ok back to your regularly scheduled miracle in the park....ok this one's pwetty cwazy so prepare yourself. So me and Elder Cook were doing one of the worst things in missionary work...the dreaded weekly planning...its not actually that bad it just takes forever ðŸ˜‚ but anyways we were doing that and this random guy comes up to us and is like "are you guys Mormons"

And we were like "oh yeah, we're missionaries for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" 
And he was like "well tell me about it"
So we were like "umm what do you wanna know"
He said "I don't know"
So we were like "ok, what do you already believe"
And he said "Jesus" 
So we were like "ok awesome that's the most important part of our message"
And then we just talked about prophets and answered some of his questions, it was all going good. And then he was like "dang I need to study this guys wanna study with me some time"
And we were like "Heck yeah we wanna study more with you!" So long story short we gave Seth (that's his name) a Book of Mormon and we have a lesson with him tonight so please send lots of prayers for tonight.

Back on that tracting grind:
On Friday we did some tracting for an hour or so and the last door we knocked was this super nice lady who we had a super awesome conversation with, she wasn't super interested in out message necessarily but she had gone to the church before so that was pretty cool, we may stop by again ðŸ¤·‍♂️

Flu shot fiasco:
On Saturday me and Elder Cook got our flu shot and it was chill, it just set us back like two hours so that day wasn't very productive until about six but it was chill we still got some good work done! We visited a lady who the sisters had been talking to and she said we had come at just the right moment and we prayed with her and she was super grateful for us coming over and she said she was going on vacation but that she'd love to meet again when they get back, so that was chill.

Ok this one was a few weeks ago we had gone tracting in an area called Aberdeen Ave. Because we felt like we needed to visit this guy named Spencer that had been taught for like 16 years but wasn't being taught currently so we stopped by the address that Area Book gave us and some old lady opened up and was not happy to see us and she promptly shut the door in our face which was dope. So after that we kinda assumed that Spencer must have moved or something, well yesterday me and Elder Cook went and I tracted in the area again and one of the doors we knocked was Spencer!!! It was his wife who answered but she was super happy to see us and was like Spencer can't come to the door right now but please come back again! Apparently he had been thinking about us and stuff and then we showed up at his door so like if that doesn't show miracles our real I don't know what does. We plan on going over again sometime this next week so hopefully that'll go good!

Member miracles:
Ok this one really had nothing to do with mine or Elder Cooks efforts but instead with a ward members that we had talked to a couple times. But on Sunday someone came to sacrament meeting! It was super awesome we introduced ourselves at the end of church and asked how she liked it, and she said it was very enlightening and that she felt very welcomed. She even said that we should swing by sometime because they just live right by the members that had invited her so that was awesome!

Scriptures of the Week:
Alma 31:34-35- very awesome scripture about missionary work
Joshua 1:9- pretty cool scripture I'd say

Anyways its been a really good week with lots of miracles! Sorry it was kind of long, if you've made it to this point you're a legend! Thank you all so much for the prayers! Keep em coming! But yeah love you all! Know I'm cheering you guys on, and more importantly our Heavenly Father and our Savior are cheering you guys on! Keep going and keep pushing!

-Elder Roberts


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