October 17, 2021
The Lord is mightier than all the earth, then why not mightier than the trails you're facing, yea, or even than the tens of thousands that you have faced or will yet face?
I testify to you as a disciple and representative of Christ that he is mightier than anything we can go through! He can and will help us to overcome our trails! So when trials come upon us--and they will come--DONT GIVE UP! Our Savior is mightier than any pain, torment, or anguish we will ever go through!
How have you seen the Savior being mightier than your trials?
Wendy Roberts
Although my trials haven’t been as big as the Red Sea to me the intervention of the Lords miracles have been no less marvelous to me
Hailey Kilburn-Jones
Thank you, Elder Robert's for this beautiful reminder. Trials, pain and anguish can be overcome through the Atonement and love of our Savior. I have been through an Earth shattering experience that left me absolutely broken and the only thing that pieced me back together was the true and constant love, peace and comfort that can only be found through Jesus Christ. It was a conscience effort on my part, it took time, it took years, it was hard, it sometimes still is but He has been with me every step of the way. Turn to Him, recognize Him, talk with Him, find gratitude in Him and He will be there and help you. John 14:18, (my favorite scripture), I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. I have a true testimony of this. You rock Elder Robert's! 

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