The many miracles of Indiana

 It's been a great first week here in Indiana, my comp is pretty awesome! His name is Elder Cook and he's a hard worker which is awesome! I've been pretty timid just cause I'm not gonna lie its pretty scary just talking to random people but Elder Cooks been pushing me and I'm getting better. We've been knocking on a couple doors but no one has been interested in what we have to say but it's all good. We were double transferred into the area so nether of us knows the area like at all, which complicates things a little, but we're figuring things out. We still haven't met with any of the people we're suppose to be teaching because they don't wanna meet with us because it was sisters who were here before so they all say they aren't comfortable with elders 😂😂 but it's ok. Anyways here's a few stories from the past ten days:

On Friday we had our last day of classes which was pretty sad because my teachers were awesome but it was also pretty exciting because it ment we were finally about to get to the field which was super exciting!

Waking up at 3:
On Monday they had us wake up at three in the morning so we could get to are flight which didn't leave until 8:15 so it was pretty rough waking up that early but it was alright. Both flights went well I mostly just slept on the plane though so it was aight. 

Meeting the mission president:
President Page is awesome! He met us at the airport and we stayed at the mission home on Monday night which was nice, they fed us there and it all went well there. 

Meeting my Comp and getting assigned to my area:
On Tuesday we had a little bit of a devotional type thing which was good just talking about missionary work and just some house keeping things. At the end of the devotional we finally got to meet out comps and told where our area was, and I'm with Elder Cook in Avon Indiana.

On Wednesday me and Elder Cook went tracking which was very intimidating at first but I knocked on a few of the doors and introduced us and everything so I think that's good. No one really cared about what we had to say which was discouraging, one lady even came out and said "please leave" but like angrily which was scary so we left. 

Now for the moment you've all been waiting for the miracles!

Street contacting in the park:
Me and Elder Cook were at a park just doing our comp study, and we were about to leave but we felt like we needed to talk to this lady who was sitting on a bench alone, and we just kinda told her we were just going around talking about Jesus Christ with people and she was like "well you can talk to me about Jesus Christ" and it was like well ok awesome, so we talked a while with her about Christ and then invited her to sacrament meeting, she said she'd be there (she didn't come but we got her number so we'll probably keep reaching out to her)

Skater dudes:
Once again me and Elder Cook were in the park just doing our comp study, and we saw these high-school kids skate boarding and we went and talked to them and explained who we were and stuff and one of the kids had a friend who was a member and he seemed some what interested in what we were saying and by the end he gave us his number so we reached out to some other elders and they're gonna reach out to the kids friend and hopefully something comes of that 

Miracles at the park part 3:
Well once again me and Elder Cook were at a park and we saw these people playing cards so we asked if they were gambling and they weren't so we asked if we could join they said sure so we joined. We played a round of spades and after the round they started asking us questions about what we did and we explained and started talking about Christ, which also led us to introducing the Book of Mormon and reading verses from it, and by the end of the conversation one of the people had given us his number and also taken a Book of Mormon!! It was awesome!

Scriptures of the week 
Alma 36:17-20 

All in all a great week, I've noticed that miracles truly to come by just opening your mouth so I'm gonna keep working on that! But I love you all! And if you've read this far you're a better person then me 😂 but really it's been a great week! 

Don't forget general conference this weekend!


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