September 20,2021

These past three weeks have been pretty epic, and as excited as I am to finally be getting to my assigned area there is a part of me that's sad to be leaving the MTC. It truly has a special spirit about it both because the amazing elders and sisters here and also the amazing teachers who helped me so much. It's also very sad to be saying goodbye to the amazing district I was so blessed with. But it's been a great first three weeks and I'm ready for the next 101. Indiana here I come!

September 20, 2021


Dear Brother and Sister Roberts,

We are so excited to welcome Elder Roberts to the Indiana Indianapolis Mission!  He arrived with twenty-three other missionaries this afternoon.  President Page and I welcomed him and took several pictures at the airport.  We then traveled to the Indianapolis Temple for pictures and continued on to the mission home. 

We are so excited to be able to have the missionaries in our home again!!  We enjoyed dinner, a short meeting and then President Page was able to spend some one on one time with Elder Roberts.  We are excited for this extra time to be able to get to know your son better.  

We already feel a great love for Elder Roberts and look forward to serving together.  We also feel the Lord's love for him and anticipate great things to come in this part of the Lord's vineyard.

Attached are a few pictures that we took with all of the new missionaries who arrived this afternoon.  We will send another email soon with a picture with us and a picture with his companion(s) as well as information about his assignment.   

We also have a Facebook Page for our mission. Hopefully, this link will take you to it: of their arrival will hopefully be added soon!

We also want to make you aware of how we are handling COVID-19/Coronavirus.  Hopefully the increase in covid numbers here in Indiana will not change what we are already able to do.  For now, our missionaries are allowed to do pretty much everything they used to.  They are able to teach lessons in members and friends homes, church buildings as well as through technology.  They are allowed to have district meetings and daytime exchanges in person.  We also emphasize the importance of washing our hands thoroughly and continuing to be safe.  Our missionaries are able to approach people to share the gospel as well and to continue to use technology and social media to find and share gospel messages.  Our number one concern is that they stay safe and healthy.

Again, we are so excited to welcome Elder Roberts to the Indiana Indianapolis Mission!  




President and Sister Page
Mission President and Companion
Indiana Indianapolis Mission


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