MTC-Chocolate milk for breakfast, lunch and dinner

Well although it's only been one day since I got here but I've drunken more chocolate milk then one man should or could, like why would a man ever need that much chocolate milk ðŸ˜‚ but seriously yesterday and today have been super awesome! 

I finally got to meet my district in person and they're all some pretty freaking amazing people!! We had a pretty packed day yesterday so it's kinda nice having p day today to just kinda recoob after all the things we did yesterday ðŸ˜‚

Anyways me and my district also went to the temple today which was pretty awesome, we gotta do some family names for one of the members of the MTC presidency which was pretty sick. 

I'm feeling really good and everything is going well. I'm getting pretty freaking hyped to be in field though, but I guess the MTC will suffice for now. But yeah other then that not much else to say. I invite you all to read 1 Nephi 11: 17, it's a very powerful scripture and isn't to long and it's very important to remember like Nephi that we don't know all things but we do know God loves us and his children. 

-Elder Roberts 


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